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Time to ditch the coffee for cacao?

I know that for many of you, starting your morning ritual of brewing and sipping a fresh cup of coffee or having that quick shot of espresso before a workout is one of the small joys of life. But have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you drink coffee every day? Between anxiety, jitters, afternoon crashes, and a potential caffeine dependency, it can leave you feeling pretty sluggish and in a worse state.

Cacao Calling has an alternative and it’s a whole lot better for you; mind, body and soul. Ceremonial Cacao! Yes, I’m telling you that adding a yummy dose of chocolate into your diet is the answer.

Unlike coffee, which comes from the Coffea plant, cacao comes from the cultivation of the Theobroma tree. The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine, which constricts blood vessels and raises your heart rate to increase blood flow. In cacao, the stimulating effects are derived from theobromine, a member of the same alkaloid family as caffeine but instead works as a naturally occurring stimulant that dilates (not constricts) blood vessels to increase blood flow, which gives you the same boost of energy that coffee does, except it lasts longer and is softer, without all the nasty side effects.

Drinking ceremonial grade cacao is a great way to slowly transition away from high caffeine drinks altogether.

It’s simple: for 21 days, you just ditch your coffee for a daily dose (10-25g) of cacao and see what changes happen for you. 

Note: If it is your first time trying Ceremonial Grade Cacao, I would suggest starting with a lower dose and slowly working your way up. Cacao can also serve as a diuretic, so always drink plenty of water. Hydration is key!

Pre-chopped Cacao Calling

Cacao Calling Ecuador

Cacao Calling Peru

Cacao Calling Mixed Bag